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AEM Recommendation Generator

The AEM Recommendation generator is a content based recommendation engine which reads the metadata from pages and finds the similar pages to generate the recommendations, this tool leverages Apache Commons Math 3 library which is a lightweight library for performing statistical & mathematical calculations for generating the content based recommendations. Continue Reading...

Sling Pipes

Sling Pipes is a toolset for performing extract, load & transform operations on JCR content. It makes updating or migrating content within an AEM application really easy Continue Reading...

Circuit breaker pattern

Circuit breaker is a design pattern used for making fault tolerant software applications. It is used to detect and prevents failures from taking down other services in a micro-service architecture & helps prevent whole system from coming down Continue Reading...

Unit Testing and Mocking with Junit5 & AEM Mocks

Unit tests are used to test individual code components (Units) of a software & ensure that code works the way it was intended, in ISOLATION Continue Reading...

Sling Models Vol I - Basics

Sling models are POJO classes in which properties of the adaptable interfaces/classes can be injects and hence reducing the boilerplate code Continue Reading...

Integrating Apache Wookie with AEM

Interactive websites are the ones which provides a number of different features to make interactive experience for users. One of the most important qualities of a website is interactivity. It allows users to interact with the website. Continue Reading...

Creating Custom content finder tab in AEM

AEM provides a quick and easy way to find & use content while editing a page via Content Finder. Content Finder is a way to search different types of assets stored in AEM and make them available for drag N drop on the pages. Continue Reading...

Configuring AEM 6.0 with mongoMK

One of the most important feature of AEM 6.0 is introduction of "Apache Jackrabbit Oak" with this new version of AEM. Jackrabbit oak is an effort to enhance the scalability and performance of the backend of the AEM content reporsitory. Continue Reading...